THE honour of making the farewell presentation to St Lawrence Friendship Club secretary Pat Moon went to its oldest member, 99-year-old Len Osbourn.

After more than 15 years as secretary of the club, Pat is leaving not only the club but Herefordshire to move closer to her family in Yorkshire.

To show their appreciation, and to provide her with a memento of her many years of dedicated service, club members gave Pat with a glass bowl at a farewell party last Thursday.

Mr Osbourn, who will in a year's time become a 'centipede', thanked her particularly for the help she had given him during his time as treasurer.

St Lawrence Friendship club was formed in the 1950s under the control of the British Red Cross and has provided an invaluable service to the elderly in the Pyons with Birley group of parishes, helping to relieve some of the loneliness which can affect them.

The club has 40 members who meet at least once a month.