VIEWERS can embark on a historical journey across the Midlands - including Hereford - with Rajesh Mirchandani as he visits various sites from around the region.

They are considered to be wonders of the modern world and feature in a new BBC1 programme, Seven Man-Made Wonders of the Midlands, on Sunday at 6.15pm.

Rajesh's odyssey to discover the Seven Man-Made Wonders of the Midlands takes him to Hereford Cathedral.

Hereford Cathedral was built in the 11th Century and has attracted visitors and pilgrims alike for hundreds of years.

Rajesh also explores the two man-made wonders and national treasures that are contained within the cathedral - the Chained Library, containing 1,500 ancient books and the cathedral's piece de resistance, the world-famous ancient map - the Mappa Mundi.

On his visit to Hereford Cathedral, Rajesh says: "Hereford Cathedral has dominated the skyline of Hereford since Saxon times.

"It's no wonder that history permeates every stone, every corner of every cloister."