Herefordshire Council is launching a six-week public consultation over proposals to develop Whitecross High School.

The existing school and its 900 students will move from Baggallay Street, Hereford, to a new building at Three Elms Road next summer in time for the 2006/07 academic year.

The move will free 4.8 hectares of land at Baggallay Street and Herefordshire Council has prepared a document, called the Draft Development Brief (DDB), which outlines possible uses for the site.

They could include redeveloping the school and building up to 60 new homes, of which around 20 would be affordable, creating an educational provision and enhancing the existing school playing fields and making them more accessible to the community.

The document is being made public at the Town Hall, St Owen Street, or Blueschool House, Blueschool Street, in Hereford, from today (Thursday) until December 8, Monday to Friday, between 9am - 5pm, for people to have their say. The brief can also be viewed by logging on to the council's website

Letters have also been sent to residents who live near the school in Baggallay Street informing them.

Comments on the brief can be made in writing to Chris Botwright, Planning Services, Town Hall, Hereford, HR1 2PJ or by e-mail to before December 8 at 5pm.

The site has been identified for housing and community use as part of Herefordshire's Revised Deposit Unitary Development Plan.