A UNIQUE wall-hanging commissioned to mark Hereford Haven's first birthday has been completed, thanks in part to a huge response to the artist's appeal for unwanted bras.

As Breast Cancer Awareness month draws to a close, Christine Reeve-Tucker is inviting anyone to come and view the piece in the Rose Room at the Haven in St Owen Street today (Thursday) between 2pm and 4pm, when Christine herself will be available to discuss her work.

Having accepted the invitation to create one of her distinctive textile wall hangings for the Haven, Christine decided to base the work on the "Tree of Hope" theme, incorporating text, embroidery, applique and painting.

"It had to be something to inspire people and give them hope," she explains.

A key feature was the incorporation of bra cups to represent leaves, reinforcing the breast cancer awareness message. To gather enough "leaves", Christine issued a "bra-call" back in January and the Haven was inundated with bras of every imaginable size, colour, texture and style.

"Even before I was asked to create this piece, I had wanted to do something for the Haven," says Christine. "But when I saw the treatment room, it was just a big blank canvas."

Christine, who with her husband Bill, runs Glewstone Court Hotel, donated her time for the project.

"It took about 200 hours," she estimates. "But I had great fun doing it. It's not my normal style and it's a lot larger than I thought."