CHARITY fund-raisers hope no one gets cold feet when they stage a fire walk in Hereford.

The charity Concern Universal is hoping at least 50 volunteers will hot foot it to support the event, to help the under-privileged in Africa, Asia and South America.

Joe Corrigan and Tom Price, both 17-year-old students at Hereford Sixth Form College, are the first to put themselves in the firing line.

"We hope Joe and Tom will ignite a flame that will result in lots of other people deciding to have a go," said Laura Salisbury, from the charity.

"I have done the walk and I can assure anyone who would like to do it, but feels hot under the collar about it, that providing they keep their foot on the gas and keep moving it does not hurt."

Before taking part, volunteers will be fired up by a two-hour training and motivational session intended to dampen any anxieties.

"We have done this many times before and no-one has ever bottled out. As soon as people step out on the bed of embers their fears seem to evaporate."

Universal Concern, founded in 1976 and based in Hereford for the past 26 years, is turning up the heat on "walkers" by asking them to pledge a £25 donation and commit to raising at least £75 sponsorship.

The walk takes place at the Barrels pub in St Owen Street on Wednesday, September 28, with registration at 6.30pm. Temperatures will rise at 9pm when the walk begins.

More information call Laura Salisbury on 01432 355111 or by visiting