A PAIR of identical twins have signed up for a career with the British Army, enlisting at Hereford Army Careers Information Office.

Dean and James Jackson, from Newton Farm, were the 23rd and 24th people to be enlisted at Hereford since April 2005.

In true twin style, the brothers will be posted together at Bassingbourne, Cambridge, to undertake the Army development course spanning 17 weeks.

Dean and James will then progress to the Infantry Training Centre in Catterick before joining the Light Infantry anywhere across the world.

Former pupils of Haywood High School, Dean and James celebrated their 16th birthdays with a trip to the Army Careers Information Office to achieve their long-held ambition to serve their country.

The twins were enlisted into the Army by Major Chris Howse, who is responsible for Army recruitment in Hereford.

Mjr Howes said: "The Army offers a fantastic opportunity for youngsters to begin a career while playing their favourite sports and travelling the world.

"With more than 140 jobs available in the Army, there really is a job to suit everyone!"

He added: "We are looking to recruit 1,100 youngsters from across the West Midlands in the next 12 months.

"I would encourage anyone considering a career to pay a visit to their local Army careers office to talk through their options with an experienced soldier."

The army welcomes applications from young men and women, no matter what their marital status, race, ethnic origin or religious belief.

No account is taken of sexual orientation or social background in considering applications. The army is fully committed to equality of opportunity.

If you are interested in a career with the British Army, call the Hereford Army Careers Office on 01432 273917, drop in to speak to a recruiter in person at 6 Commercial Road or visit the website at www.armyjobs.mod.uk