TOMORROW is too late for Hereford mum Rebecca Millikin.

Rebecca likes to live life on the principle that if you want to do something get on and do it because tomorrow may be too late.

The 33-year-old mother of two learned that lesson the hard way seven years ago when she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis so she is set to take her life in her hands and swim with man-eating sand tiger sharks.

"I want to do it and do it now. So far I am able to continue to be fairly active but there is no way of knowing how my MS will develop so I want to do it while I still can," said Rebecca who is being supported by husband Nathan, also 33 and sons Harry, aged 8 and Ben 7.

Multiple sclerosis affects 85,000 people in the UK and is twice as likely to affect women than men. It causes differing levels of disability and may affect sight. Symptoms vary and the condition can be difficult to diagnose in the early stages.

"At the moment, at least, I am not as badly affected as many sufferers and my condition has periods of relapse and remission but I do think about the time when I may not be as mobile as I am now.

"My plan is to raise £3,000 to help the 180 people in Herefordshire who suffer from MS and show people with the disease that they can still do exciting and dangerous things."

Rebecca, who works part-time as a teaching assistant at Madley School will swim with the sharks at the Blue Planet Aquarium at Ellesmere Port in Cheshire.

She will spend up to an hour in the water with two helpers from Ross-on-Wye and two divers with stun guns in case the sharks fancy a meal.

A sand tiger shark can grow to more than 10ft in length and weigh more than 20 stones. They are not the most dangerous of the shark family - that's the great white shark - but have been known to attack and kill people.

"They are fierce looking fish. Initially, I was very excited but am getting increasingly apprehensive," said Rebecca, whose date with "Jaws" is set for Wednesday, August 31.

Anyone who wants to sponsor Rebecca can contact her on 07968 542420.