A FORMER Herefordshire vicar is to form part of a team hoping to strengthen the link between this area and a remote part of Southern Africa.

Rev Preb Walter Gould, who retired from St Peter's Church in Bromyard five years ago after 28 years of service, is to head out to the diocese of Tanga in Tanzania with his wife, Helen, and friends Kath Bills and Claire Lording, from Tenbury team ministry.

While Tanzania is well known for it amazing scenery and the famous Mount Kilimanjaro, many of its people suffer from the effects of poverty and it is hoped a stronger link between the two dioceses may combat some of these problems.

A link was forged in the area when the Bishops of Tanga, Dar es Salaam and Masasi visited Hereford Cathedral for the installation of the Rt Rev Anthony Priddis as Bishop of Hereford, where they raised the problems in their homelands.

The idea of forming a link has gained momentum since then, resulting in this trip.

As well as the important business of building a link with the African diocese, the visitors will also have the chance to take time out when they go on 24-hour safari at the Mikumi National Park.