A HOUSE at Upper Colwall was flooded out for the third time in a year after Sunday's heavy rain.

Anne Bridgens, owner of Brockhill Cottage, off Walwyn Road, said: "It was a shock. It was knee deep at times and there was six to eight inches of mud in the drive and garage."

Mrs Bridgens said water flowing off the hills had been unable to soak away because of paving and a car park on Beacon Road.

Staff from Malvern Hills Conservators helped clear the garden, while highways staff repaired her drive.

Ian Rowat, Conservators director, said: "We've cleared the drains and highways will be raising the kerb, so we're doing what we can."

The Chase Inn, Chase Road, was flooded the same evening. Manager Paul Grindrod said: "I think there's a spring running under the pub and it just came up through the floor.

"We got busy with mops and buckets and one of the customers brought in a dehumidifier. We're all right now."

Malvern was the wettest part of England and Wales on Sunday, with up to 72mm of rainfall.