GIFT DAY - This Saturday (July 30) is Gift Day at Saint Edward's Church. The church will be open from 10.00am to 6.00pm, and coffee will be served from 10.00am to 12.00 noon.

METHODIST CHURCH -The Reverend Mike Langstaff will lead Morning Worship on Sunday (July 31) at Knighton Methodist Church at 11.00am.

BAPTIST CHURCH - The 11am service on Sunday at Knighton Baptist Church will be led by members of a visiting sister church from Estonia, and this will be followed by a bring and share lunch. Mrs Joyce Evans will lead the 2.30pm service at Coxall Baptist Church, and the visitors from Estonia will lead the 6.30pm service at Knucklas Baptist Church.

INDUCTION - The induction of the Reverend Maggie Richards as minister for Knighton, Knucklas and Coxall Baptist Churches will be on Saturday, August 13 at 3pm at Knighton Baptist Church.

CATHOLIC CHURCH - Mass will be celebrated at 11am this Sunday at Knighton Catholic Church.

SHOW AND CARNIVAL - Knighton's annual show and carnival will be on Saturday, August 27. There will be carnival processions at mid-day and in the evening and this year's theme is "Wish you were here". Schedules are now available for the horticultural, floral and handicrafts show which will be held in Knighton Community Centre next to the showfield.

The theme for the creative writing competition is "Where dragons dwell". Entries should be approximately 500 words, and should be received by Saturday, August 13. All other entries should be in by Tuesday, August 23.

Tickets for the grand showday draw are now on sale.

JUNIOR COUNCIL- Representatives of Knighton Junior Council, along with Knighton Primary School Headteacher Mrs Joan Wheeler, met with Knighton Town Council at its July meeting. The youngsters' top concerns were the state of the old tennis courts in Bowling green Lane, and the zebra crossing outside the Primary School in Ludlow Road.

Asked what they wanted to happen at the old tennis courts, all three youngsters present agreed that they wanted them restored as tennis courts. Asked why they did not want to use the new courts at the leisure centre more, they replied that they found the cost of £2.50 per court per hour prohibitive. The Council agreed to approach the management of the Knighton Leisure Centre to see if it would be willing to put on free sessions for children if the Town Council were to cover the cost.

The junior council members were not happy with the safety of the zebra crossing outside their school, and wanted the additional security of lights. Councillor Ken Harris, who is Knighton's representative on Powys County Council as well as a member of the Town Council, said that the County Council would not consider a pelican crossing in a 20mph speed restriction. Mrs Wheeler said she had introduced a system of forms so that parents could report near misses .

The Council agreed to ask Powys County Council for a site meeting to discuss ways of improving safety at the crossing.

COACH PARKING - The Town Council meeting heard Powys County Council did not see any merit in the Councillors' request for coach parking at the Norton Arms Car Park.

Councillor Roger Bright, who had, at an earlier meeting expressed his concern that the current coach parking facilities in the Bowling Green Lane Carpark were too far out of town, called for a site meeting. The council agreed.

ROUNDABOUT- A roundabout has been removed from the playground at Knighton Primary School because it did not meet European safety standards.

FLY TIPPING - In response to a request from the Town Council Powys County Council has promised to pursue the matter of fly tipping in Norton Street.and to identify the perpetrators.

BOARDS - The Offa's Dyke Association has permitted the display of two boards - one listing the Mayors of Knighton since 1974, and the other listing the chairmen of the former Knighton Rural District Council - at the Offa's Dyke Centre which is now the regular meeting place of the Town Council.

The Association was also willing for a plaque to be displayed by the entrance of the Centre identifying it as the venue of the Town Council, providing the plaque was in slate like the existing plaques.

Councillor Ken Harris also pointed out that the inscription would have to be bi-lingual.

TOWN CRIERS FESTIVAL - Knighton Town Council agreed to give £500 to Knighton Festival of Town Criers, with a further £500 if necessary.

TRAFALGAR DAY - The Town Council also agreed to give £500 from the recycling fund for the town's Trafalgar Day celebrations, and a further £600 (£500 from the recycling fund and £100 from the precept) if necessary.

The Council heard that total cost of the event could be as high as £7,000. The Forestry Commission had donated 200 oak trees which would be planted in Kinsley Wood, and the organising committee hoped that members of the public would be willing to adopt an oak at £5 for each tree.

DALE WILLIAMS - The Council agreed to give £100 sponsorship to 18 year old Dale Williams, who is due to compete in the high jump and triple jump as a member of Welsh Schools Athletic Team.

KNIGHTON IN BLOOM - Knighton in Bloom will be judged on Friday, August 12. Entry forms are available from the Town Clerk, The Vicarage, Church Street, Knighton.

KNUCKLAS FUNDAY - Knucklas Funday will be this Saturday, July 30 at Knucklas Community Centre from 2pm.

Admission is £1 with children let in free of charge. All proceeds will go to the running costs of the Community Centre.