A SPECIAL girl who won her own battle at just a few days old is now helping her older brother to tackle his problems, writes CATHERINE SHOVLIN.

Abigail Hickinbotham, who celebrates her third birthday today, was born 25-weeks into the pregnancy. After 10 days under observation, she went on to enjoy the best of health.

Her brother Jack, however, had a better start in life but has learning difficulties, which he is now overcoming with his sister's encouragement.

Nickname 'baba'

Jack had started to make word sounds at eight-months. A year later he had stopped talking, much to the distress of parents Stacy and Nicola, of Millbrook, Hereford.

Chatterbox Abigail has sparked off his communication and the family were thrilled to hear him speak again at the age of four.

This time, his words were 'baba' - his own nickname for Abigail.

His problems started through hearing difficulties, which he has had two operations for and may be having another one shortly.

Abigail's 'bossy' nature motivates Jack, who will attempt to do everything she asks. By chatting away to him she has taught him how to communicate.

Nicola said she was very proud of her daughter for helping her brother and was equally proud of Jack.

"He is coming on in leaps and bounds," she said.