A MODEST Kington teacher will be representing his school at Buckingham Palace next month after being taken 'completely by surprise' by the invitation.

Peter Horrocks, head of art at Lady Hawkins School, had to double check with the authorities after receiving the Royal appointment to make sure that there had not been a mistake!

He will attend a reception given by the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh on May 3 to recognise achievement in schools and, in particular, his individual contribution towards high standards.

Mr Horrocks has been teaching in Kington for 28 years but still works as an artist in his own right, exhibiting as often as he can.

During his time at Lady Hawkins, he has worked under four headteachers, been year head, a sixth-form tutor and has served on a number of fund-raising committees.

"I will be happy and proud to represent Lady Hawkins at the reception, but this recognition could have equally gone to many of my colleagues," he said.