METHODIST CHURCH - Preachers at Eardisley Methodist Church will be: April 16, Mr F Hooley; Easter Day, April 23, Mr D Hattatt; and April 30, holy communion with Rev. D Greeves.

CHURCH - Churchwarden Evelyn Hatcher is still accepting money for lilies to be used in decorating the church for Easter. The decorating will start at 10am on Saturday, April 22.

WOMEN'S INSTITUTE- The next meeting of Eardisley WI will be today when Robert MacGough will be talking about self defence. On Tuesday, April 18, the branch will be holding its anniversary lunch and a demonstration.

DRAW - Winners for the Show 200 Club draw were: Mrs J Banbury, Mrs F Thorne, Dr and Mrs Spencer, Mr M Hall, Mrs D Weale and Mr B Powles.