CONGRATULATIONS - To Darren Jones is the manager of Leominster Minors under nine football team. His son Luke is goalkeeper. In their first season, they have reached the league Cup Final, which is to be played on Hereford United's ground on Monday, 8th May 8, kick-off 6.30pm.To Leslie Evans, in recognition of his 75 years' bell ringing in Eardisland. Leslie has been invited to attend Buckingham Palace garden party in the summer.

YOUTH CLUB - This is open on Thursday evenings from 4.30pm until 6.30pm in the village hall. It is £1 per member, and for all ages from five upwards. For further details contact Gayna Jones on 01544 388533.

VILLAGE HALL - The next event will be The Beauty and the Bounty, a widely acclaimed three-screen presentation of Herefordshire in words and music. Tickets are £3 and accompanied children up to school-leaving age are free. Tickets are available from the Post Office, tea rooms and members of PCC and Village Hall committee.