APPLAUSE of the kind given to Martino Tirimo in the Shirehall after his performance of the Waldstein sonata, at the end of the second concert in this series comprising all Beethoven's 32 sonatas, is very rare in this country, let alone Hereford.

Its ecstatic nature shows that the conjunction of Beethoven's marvellous music, Tirimo's inspired playing, technically and artistically on an exalted plane, and a full-size Steinway Concert Grand ('the most responsive I have ever played'), is making a huge impact on music lovers, who are coming from miles around.

This remarkable event for Hereford (sole other UK venue St John's, Smith Square, London), continues on Saturday, May 13, at 7.30pm in the Shirehall, with an extraordinarily appealing programme that ends with one of Beethoven's best-loved works, the Appassionata.

A revelation, at least to the series' organiser, is how deeply satisfying an all-Beethoven programme is proving to be, alongside the expected fireworks and moving Adagios. On May 13, the Steinway comes from Ireland, reputedly as fine as that for April 8, the latter returning for the subsequent four recitals.

As there is a seating plan for tickets, it is advisable to contact Outback Classical Records on 01432 275063, or call in at 19a Church Street, Hereford. Tickets are also available at the door.

This magical music-making is attracting people from all walks of life and all ages - an 11-year-old girl was to be heard humming the Waldstein on her way home in the car.