WOMEN'S INSTITUTE - Members found Diane Baker's report from her attendance at the Welsh Conference in Swansea, interesting, when the topic was Challenges. Helen Carey, NFWI chairman spoke of the WI challenge for the 21st century, Professor Stirton outlined the building of the National Botanic Garden for Wales, AM Helen Mary Jones, spoke on the road to the National Assembly, Ieuan Evans on his rugby challenge, and Sue Stockdale her walking challenge. Four members attended the council meeting at Llandrindod Wells. After business ended, names were drawn for the Denman Bursary, June Biggins to be a reserve. A consignment of Teddies, shawls and stationery was handed to Mr Isaacs, of the Lions Club. Details were finalised for the Country Show at Knighton Community Centre on Saturday at 2.30pm. Speaker at the April meeting was Mr Thompson, of the Wildlife Trust. Mrs D Hodgetts gave the vote of thanks. The competition for the decorated egg was won by Zena Merriman. There was a change of venue for the meeting on May 24, to the Baptist Room at 7.30pm, when the speaker would be Dr Kate Whitfield. Visitors were welcome.

CHURCHWARDEN'S FUNERAL - The funeral had taken place of Harry Hatfield, of Tan House, Presteigne, who died aged 88 last month. It was held at St Andrew's Church where he had been a churchwarden for more than 45 years, and was conducted by the vicar, the Rev. David Hayes. The large number of mourners , both parishioners and friends, were led by Mr Hatfield's widow Emily and their two sons Lyndon and Keith and families.

ANNUAL MEETING - The annual meeting of Mid Border Arts would be held at the Assembly Rooms on May 16 at 7.30pm. The present chairman, Wendy Johnson Brett, was retiring after three years, an active period during which she had led initiatives to simplify membership and other rules of MBA and to broaden its remit. It was understood the vice-chairman, Alex Dufort, had been nominated as the new chairman and other nominations might be submitted by members before the meeting. No nominations had been received for the post of vice-chairman. Wendy Johnson Brett had two spells in hospital for knee surgery during the last year and was in considerable pain for many months before her operations. In spite of this, she attended weekly meetings of the executive officers and co-ordinators and took an unfailing part in the affairs of MBA. Her husband Geoff had edited the Newsletter and organised general publicity during the same period.

MBA WEBSITE - Stephen Wilson had set up a website and also an e-mail address for any correspondence. The website had five pages and would be regularly updated with news, events and other information, on http://mbea.powys.org.uk. Stephen and Patricia Wilson would be taking over the MBA newsletter after midsummer, telephone 01544 267428.

FOLK CONCERT - MBA will present Wood Wilson & Carthy in a concert of folk music organised by Alex Dufort. It is on May 24 at the Assembly Rooms at 7.30pm.