MUSIC EXAMINATIONS - The following candidates were successful in the recent examinations for the Associate Board of the Royal Schools: Gareth A Clarke -- jazz piano, grade one merit; Pat Sharratt -- piano, grade one merit; Faye C Baxter -- piano, grade one merit; Eleanor C Saunders -- grade four. All four candidates are pupils of Jane Milward, of Knighton.

TABLE SALE - Knighton Community Centre is holding a table sale on May 20 from 3pm until 4.30pm. Tables can be booked at £4 in advance or £5 on the day. For bookings and further information please contact Kevin Kell on 01547 528011.

WEDNESDAY CLUB - Helpers at a recent meeting in the social room of St Edward's Close were Mrs M Chapman, Mrs I Leeson, Mrs M Cox and Mrs W Davies. Raffle prizes were won by Mr R Price, Miss V Pugh, Mrs M Upton, Mrs B davies and Mrs V Parker. Marjorie Cox organised a quiz to entertain members after their lunch.

TOWN FORUM - Councillor Ken Harris reported to the April meeting of Knighton Town Forum that Powys County Council had allocated £1,000 to repair and refurbish the windows of the clock tower. He also said that the finger posts commissioned by the town council were complete. These were primarily to inform tourists of the town's attractions and facilities. Councillor Harris hoped the bilingual signs would be in place for this year's tourist season.The forum would write to the tourism board to draw its attention to the poor road signage for Knighton. Future meetings of the forum will be on May 25, June 22 and July 27 at 7.30pm in the town council chambers.

ST EDWARD'S CHURCH - The congregation took part in a full series of services for Holy Week and Easter. These included the stripping of the altars and procession to the Altar of Repose on Maundy Thursday, followed by a vigil before the Sacrament until midnight. On the morning of Good Friday, there was communion of the Presanctified Host, and from 2pm until 3pm a devotional service led by the Rev. Timothy Williams, Peter Waters and Kevin Kell. Members took part in the Churches Together in Knighton and district Procession of Witness and evening service at the Roman Catholic Church. On Easter eve, representatives of all churches in the combined benefices of Knighton and Norton and Whitton, Pilleth and Cascob joined in the celebration of the first eucharist of easter, at which paschal candles for the various churches were blessed, and Father Timothy Williams performed the ancient ceremony of the New Fire. On Easter day, Father Williams celebrated sung eucharist with a congregation of around 100 members. The Rev. Donald Green and Bob Maslen-Jones read the lessons, Cecil Rudge was organist and Hilary Howcroft the choirmaster. The choir led the congregation in the singing of a Taize chant during the readings. Peter Waters and Kevin Kell assisted with the distribution of the Communion.

TOWN COUNCIL - An estimated 80 pre-school age children in the town had still not had their Knighton Millennium mugs to which they were entitled. Parents who were on the Knighton register of electors and who thought their children were eligible should contact the mayor, Councillor Derrick Price, or town clerk, Elizabeth Patterson.

PARKING - Knighton Town Council's suggestion that parking restrictions in Church Street be moved to the opposite side of the street would be considered by Radnor transportation and highways committee on May 18. The town council had given a resounding 'no' to car parking charges on the Bowling Green Lane car park.The council had already said 'no' in principle and had now re-affirmed this in response to the draft order which Powys County Council had published.

MARKET STREET - Powys Country Council had published a non-pay and display off-street parking places order for the Market Street car park in Knighton. A letter from Kevin Lloyd of Powys County Council's strategy and programme group stated that a full survey of the car park had been undertaken and found that all vehicles on the car park had valid tax discs displayed. A new car park sign would be erected, the surface of the area improved, and the existing bays relined within the next two months.

DOG FOULING - A letter from the pollution officer for Powys County Council's pollution officer, Charles Austin, stated that the county council was unable to supply special bins for canine faeces within its limited budget. Present policy was to provide signs and to encourage dog owners to take their pet's faeces home with them for disposal. Councillor Sarah Scotfird said people in the town were unhappy about the situation. They had no bins and were unlikely to get any.The mayor, Councillor Derrick price, said it was for individual councillors to report incidences of dog fouling to the police and be prepared to give evidence in court.

MILLENNIUM STONES - In a letter to the town council, John Owen, Powys County Council's director of highways, transport and property, said the erection of the Radnorshire Millennium Stones on Penybont Common would not take place due to the opposition of the common owners and commoners. The letter added that two sites had emerged -- at Llandrindod Wells common, or near the Elan Valley visitor centre. Members reluctantly agreed to support the Elan Valley site.

LITTER BIN - Powys County Council had agreed to restore a litter bin by the public seat next to Knighton Bookshop in response to a request from the town council.