Hundreds of grateful customers have paid for a garden bench for Dudley Smith, following his retirement from Tarrington Post Office and Shop after 68 years.

Mr Smith, aged 89, said his work "had always been a pleasure as well as a business."

His son, Maurice, who also retired, believes his father may hold a record for the longest spell behind the counter in a village shop.

He said: "I'm not surprised people provided this bench for him. It was for a lifetime's service to the community that was not purely mercenary. A shop and post office lie at the heart of a community."

Aside from his work in the shop, Mr Smith snr was a district councillor for 14 years. He went into business with his late brother, Geoffrey, in 1932 when he was 21.

Robert Hodges, chairman of the parish council, said: "The shop has been a service to the community. It helped the elderly in many ways and at one time collected prescriptions for them and ran a delivery service.

"The garden bench is to help Dudley sit and reflect on a job well done."

The post office recently reopened under new management in former stable behind the Tarrington Arms.