GLADESTRY'S pantomime 'Sleeping Beauty and Babes in the Millennium Wood' was a true village affair with lots of amusing local twists including references to local people and places.

It was written and directed by Pam Milsom who also played a part when she sang and danced with Rachel Lloyd.

The songs and music were written by Richard Bull who played the piano throughout and local children, who played a witch, fairies and Alien Boyz, were directed by Jess Mackenzie.

Traditional tale

The pantomime told the traditional story of Sleeping Beauty with some good singing from all the cast and well co-ordinated dancing. The cast had more than 30 members who were backed by a strong back-stage team and help from local businesses and schools.

The young couple that lived happily ever after were Radnor Hood and Princess Aurora played by husband and wife, Andrew and Rachel Lloyd. Melvin Hughes who played the part of the bad fairy, Carabos, put in a brilliant performance and the comical Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dummer played by husband and wife, Maureen and Norman Evans, made sure there was no shortage of laughter.