Hereford'S Commercial Road is identified in a police report as the county's 'hot spot' for disorder.

In a league table of city centre hot spots, Commercial Road moved up from seventh place in year ending April 1999 to first place in April, 2000. The table was based on drink-related incidents in different parts of Hereford.

Reporting to the General Licensing Committee last week, Supt Guy Rutter said police were currently attempting to find a solution, and a policing operation had been mounted during the summer months of 2000.

"I will not discuss this further as it may well be that its findings are introduced in future licensing applications," he said.

Supt Rutter recalled a report by Supt Chris Furber 10 years ago. This spoke of an unenviable and unacceptable level of drink-related offences in the city. As a result, several initiatives had been launched to tackle the problem.


These included the introduction of alcohol-related by-laws within the city, a dedicated police licensing team to work with the city's licensees, closed circuit television and door-person training.

Above all, greater socially responsible licence holders had undoubtedly provided the mix to achieve the reduced incidence of disorder.

A small minority of landlords had flouted their responsibility over the past three years, and a number had been prosecuted or cautioned for offences. However, this did not detract from the overall good work completed by most licence holders.

"Club watch and pub watch continues to thrive," said Supt Rutter. "The efforts made by night clubs to deal with the drug problem continues - one night club in particular is worthy of special mention as it regularly detains those involved in the practice of dealing drugs, and custodial sentences often result."