YOUNG FARMERS - The Eardisley and Rhosgoch Young Farmers' Clubs are presenting their plays 'Love' and the 'Millennium Finale' at the Kington Community Centre on Saturday, February 17 at 7pm, admission £3.

MOTHERS' UNION - The Rev. Jen Pollock will be talking to members at their next meeting on Monday, February 19 at 5 Millstream Gardens, the home of Mrs Joyce Banbury. Two new members will be enrolled at this meeting.

SCHOOL - Eardisley C of E Primary School raised over £850 for charity during the autumn term. In January, the entire school went to Clifford to see the pantomime 'Little Red Riding Hood'. On Mondays after school there are football and netball clubs, and on Wednesday, the computer club. Years five and six attend cricket coaching in Kington. A mothers and toddlers group is held in the school hall on Monday mornings (further details from Annie Reese 01544 327157). Every Thursday from 3.5pm-5.30pm there is an out-of-school club.

LUNCH - Tickets for the next 'Sunday Lunch' to be held in the Curzon Herrick Hall, on February 18 at 1pm, are on sale at the Village Shop at £6 per head. Glasses are provided, but diners should bring their own wine. These Sunday lunches are the only fundraising events for the day-to-day expenses of the hall, so the support of the public is much appreciated.