COMMUNITY CENTRE -- Brecon and Radnor MP Roger Williams attended the October meeting of Knucklas Community Centre management committee and was impressed by what he saw. "Many thanks for your letter and for the work that you and your committee do on behalf of the community of Knucklas," Mr Williams wrote to management committee chairman, Dr Keith Ackermann. The management committee meets at the Centre on the third Monday of each month.

TABLE SALE -- The 1st Knucklas Scout Group held a successful table sale at Knighton Community Centre.The event raised £190.50 and this total includes some goods sold before and after the event. The next table sale is booked for Saturday, April 6, at Knighton Community Centre from 10am to 12 noon.

CUB SCOUTS -- Knucklas Cub Scouts autumn programme included a swimming evening at Knighton, and September 21 was a special investiture evening. Ben Miller, Charley Martin, George Davies and Luke Hinton all made the Cub Scout Promise to Akela Jean Linaker, and were presented with new handbooks by the Rev. Paul Credle, a Baptist Minster from America on an exchange ministry to Knighton. On September 28, there was an elephant drive, with prizes for the winner in each round, and later an overall prize for the best drawn elephant. The judges decided that Anthony Paviour's pachyderm was the most artistically drawn, and he received his prize during the Cub Scouts' visit to Cottage View.

The Lion Six won the monthly trophy under the leadership of Chris Powell, who was supported by Tom Price, Tom Mosler, Elian Owen and Ben Miller.

The Cub Scouts visited Cottage View in Knighton on October 12 and presented a programme of singing, with John Thomas accompanying on the guitar, quizzes and puppet demonstrations. They also said goodbye to Chris Powell, Anthony Paviour and Rowan Pitts, who are going up to Scouts. The Cub Scout Leaders thank the staff and residents of Cottage View for receiving the Cubs and for their co-operation.

FIREWORKS DISPLAY -- Knucklas Community Centre's annual fireworks display will be on Saturday (November 3) on the playing field, with refreshments at the community centre. Gates will open at 6.30pm and the bonfire will be lit at 7pm, with the fireworks display from 7.30pm to 8pm. Entrance is £2, with children under five admitted free. All proceeds from this event will go towards the running costs of the community centre.

BAPTIST CHURCH -- The Harvest Thanksgiving Service at Knucklas Baptist Church on 19th October was well attended. The Reverend John Davies of the Rock Chapel led the service, and Mrs Freda Whatmore was organist. The Harvest Supper the following Friday was very successful, with Arnis and John and friends together with Mrs Maureen Gayther providing the entertainment. Sunday Services at Knucklas Baptist Church in November will be at 6.30pm and will be taken by the Reverend Stephen Wood, except on Sunday 18th when church members will take part in the Churches Together in Knighton and District annual 'songs of praise' service at Saint Michael's Church, Beguildy at 6.30pm. The service on Sunday 25th will be Communion.