PARISH COUNCIL - The October meeting was well attended with 11councillors present, 1 unapproved absence of a Councillor, Chief Superintendent Guy Rutter, Sergeant Dave Glyn and WPC Fiona Farrington (local beat manager) and District Councillor Graham Morgan were also in attendance.

The minutes of the meeting of June 27 having been circulated were approved. There were no matters arising.

The meeting was suspended for 45 minutes to allow the West Mercia Police (Hereford Division) to respond to questions raised by the Council and to provide the Council with a better insight as to how local policing was going to be addressed. The Chairman then thanked Chief Superintendent and his team for attending and providing the Council with a valuable insight.

A letter had been received from Mr J Geary (footpaths officer) lamenting the state of the footpaths since the foot and mouth outbreak and suggesting that the council should seek to join the Parish Paths scheme. The clerk was requested to contact the appropriate person at Herefordshire Council to ascertain the actual length of footpaths within the parish and to report back at the next meeting.

There were five planning applications/approvals received: An extension to the car park in Cooks Lane - proposed and seconded; Eight antenna & six cabins at BT Madley - approved by HDC; Tower for Goose's Foot spray equipment - approved by HDC; Smallbrook Farm variation - approved by HDC; Mason's Arms - application for residential use - approved with reservations and subject to neighbours' comments.

The clerk confirmed his intention to retire on or before the end of the financial year subject to a replacement being appointed.

The date was confirmed for the public meeting on November 7 at 7.45pm to discuss the proposal for the village project - namely the provision of a grant to the Kingstone Sports Association towards the new pavilion and to the creation of a footpath linking Seven Site to the new Doctors' Surgery. Everyone is urged to attend.

The completion of the audit was confirmed for 2000/2001 and the Parish Council precept for 2002/2003 was discussed but held in abeyance until after the public meeting and the next council meeting.

The next meeting was would be on November 21.