CONGRATULATIONS -- After a year-long course, Mrs Esther Simpson has gained her National Federation of Women's Institutes judging qualification in flower arranging. She will be organising flower-arranging courses in the village hall for all who may be interested, starting shortly. For further details contact her on 01544 388641

RIVERSIDE FOOTPATH -- Herefordshire Council sent out a small group of its environment department officials recently to carry out a survey of the rights of way along the north bank of the river. The object was to clarify the exact positions of the river bank and the footpaths to assess to what extent these have moved since the compilation of the definitive map showing their precise position. The survey was conducted by the use of GPS equipment. When the results are produced on paper, the council will be better able to proceed with the introduction of whatever measures are necessary to bring about a reinstatement of these rights of way.

VILLAGE HALL -- The work on the hall roof has been completed and redecoration of the main hall will start as soon as possible. The Open Gardens weekend provided £550 for the village hall funds and the Duck Race, £400. The committee thanks everyone who helped to make these events such a success. The hall is being well used by many local groups and the Brownies from Caldicott recently used it as the base for their camping expedition. The leader, Irene Lloyd, was brought up in the village.

RESEARCH -- The oral history group is preparing material for an exhibition to be held next February in the church and members are seeking poems which have been written about Eardisland for display. If anyone has such poems and could provide copies, please telephone 01544 388571.