A VERY special visitor inspected the bonfire at Ledbury Park last Saturday.

Two-year-old Charlotte Morris was saved by the Hereford Special Care Baby Unit, which will benefit from the fundraising firework celebration tonight (Friday).

Charlotte and her big sister Sophie, aged seven, agreed it was the biggest bonfire they had ever seen and lit sparklers to celebrate.

Their father, Round Table chairman Neil Morris, said: "When Charlotte was born, she was three month's early and weighed just 1lb 11oz. She spent three months in the Special Care Baby and is now a happy, smiling two year old."

The Round Table is hoping the event will raise least £1,000 for the unit. More than 20 Ledbury businesses are sponsoring the annual firework display, which will cost around £2,000 to stage. Mr Morris said: "We're spending more money on the display this year and Event Horizons, who put on the show for us, will be bringing their lasers, so we can look forward to a really spectacular event."

Gates open at 6.30pm and the bonfire will be lit at 7pm. Tickets are £4 for adults, £2 for children or £10 for a family ticket.