GNOSSAL Handbell Ringers will participate in a concert on Saturday, November 17 staged by St John's PCC in Pencombe Village Hall at 8pm.

Handbell ringing has been around in this country since the early 1700s, increasing in popularity until the First World War at which time it was as prevalent as the brass band - particularly in the south of England.

It then did not regain in popularity until the 1960s by which time many sets of bells had disappeared.

In 1967 a revival culminated in the formation of a national handbell ringing society and there are now hundreds of teams all over the country.

The Gnossal team has been in existence since 1973 and has an international reputation. They also enjoyed the honour of representing Great Britain at an International Exhibition held at Exeter University which was attended by teams from all over the handbell ringing world.

They are the first handbell team to produce a CD, which was recorded in 1993.

Tickets at £4 are available on the door on the night of the concert.