HEREFORDSHIRE Council has appointed Artservice, a locally based arts consultancy partnership, to assist the council in developing an arts strategy for the county. The strategy will consider existing arts provision across the full range of arts and media activities, including theatre, film and cinema, fashion, art and crafts, design, video, writing and publishing, dance, music, recording and other new technology-based forms of creative activity. It will also look at opportunities for participation in the arts for people of all ages and cultural traditions and in particular, young people.

The strategy will identify a vision for the arts in Herefordshire over the next ten years and will provide a framework for arts development in the county for the next five years. It will assess the range of facilities that exist for the arts and identify gaps in provision. It will address future facility and resource needs and identify ways in which a wide range of agencies in the county can work together in partnership with the council in developing provision.

The consultants, Alun Bond and Sue Roberts, will be consulting with a wide variety of individuals organisations and groups, including town and parish councils, the voluntary and professional arts sectors, schools and colleges, and a range of community and youth organisations. They will be keen to hear what people think about the arts in the county and their ideas and plans for future arts development. Alongside this process the council is also commissioning a creative consultancy exercise, which will provide opportunities for people to express their ideas using creative forms.

The work will be completed by the spring of 2002 and Alun Bond or Sue Roberts can be contacted on telephone 01544 327877, Artservice, Old Court, Winforton, Hereford, HR3 6EA. Or email your comments to