Vandals have wrecked a set of distinctive wooden signposts which have been guiding walkers through Dog Hill Wood for nearly a decade.

Ledbury footpaths officer Mike Woodbridge said the attack, which left one post completely smashed, was "really shocking", adding that considerable force must have been used to break the timber.

The posts themselves were constructed by Mr Woodbridge over eight years ago.

He said: "It was my pleasure, at the request of the Ledbury Town Council, to construct two triple-headed signposts to guide walkers in Dog Hill Wood.

"The posts were of substantial timber and concreted in place. The fingerboards, about 8ft above the ground to discourage my young friends from swinging on them, were enamelled green with yellow lettering. Even if I say so myself, it was all most impressive and much admired. Now look at it."

Mr Woodbridge said he did not see the point of a "witch hunt" in bringing the culprits to account, and he suspects that youngsters may be to blame.

He added: "I see no sense in wasting my time, and that of the police, in bringing these little rascals to book.

"However, I appeal to the parents of children known to play in Dog Hill Wood, for their own parental piece of mind, to make sure it was not their children who were responsible for this shocking vandalism.

"I shall, of course, replace, the damaged signpost."

A Ledbury Town Council contractor will repair the other signpost.

Ledbury town clerk June McQuaid said there had been several cases of vandalism in the wood over the years, including saplings and seats damaged, signs being sprayed and notices being shot at with air guns.

She said: "I've very disappointed. When someone goes out to destroy something, it's very disheartening.