BRIGHTWELLS report a large crowd at Shobdon, Leominster, where a total of 960 lots of machinery and farming sundries went under the hammer last Tuesday.

Principal prices were: MF240 2WD £3,200; Zetor 7045 £3,100; Ford 5610 £5,000; Case 268 4WD £4,200; Case 856XL £5,100; Ford 6610 £5,100; Manitou Telescopic £8,500; Manitou Bugiscopic £5,000; MF565 Combine (1982) £3,000; Zetor 6245 £2,750.

Several lots were on offer from national leasing and trading companies and there are several local authority and leasing tractors already entered for the next sale on June 11.

Nick Gorst, Brightwells director, commented that the level of equipment now being offered at this sale meant that tractor exporters were attending as well as a wide variety of farmers.