A LOTTERY grant of £43,000 is being sought by the Urchins out-of-school club in Ledbury so it can move into the new Community Hospital in September.

If the bid is successful, the club, which caters for 30 local children at the youth centre, off Bridge Street, will be renamed Urchins Tots to Teens.

It will offer childcare seven days a week, from 7.30am to 7.30pm on Monday to Friday and 7.30am to 1pm on Saturday and Sunday, along with a new programme of adult tuition.

Administrator Roz Jarrett, of New Street, said: "Its a major expansion for Urchins. We plan to do the full wrap-around care for children from three upwards."

Mrs Jarrett said the club, a registered charity, expected to hear if the Lottery bid had been successful this month.

However, other funding will still be needed to meet the cost of new furniture, equipment and the £13,200 annual rent.

Market Towns Manager Wayne Langford is trying to get a £7,000 "quick fix grant" towards a computer project for the 30 children and IT tuition for single parents.

An IT tutor and assistant will be taken on specifically for the project.

Mrs Jarrett said: "We can look after the children while parents avail themselves of this opportunity."

The hospital would need to be adapted slightly to house the out-of-school club and Ledbury Town Council has been asked for a £1,500 grant.

Councillors are to pay a site visit to the hospital, to inspect the proposed new rooms for the club.

The chairman of Ledbury Town Council's environment and leisure committee, Coun Linda Nussbaum, said: "So long as the children have some sort of provision locally, that's the most important thing.

"But speaking personally, I have no problem with the move. What safer place is there if there is a problem with a child?"