A FORMER wartime evacuee will meet old friends for the first time in over half a century, when he is guest of honour at a party in Ledbury.

Tony Monk was a young evacuee from Birmingham during the Blitz and now lives in Australia, where he forged a career in the tourist industry.

His childhood friend, Sue Harling, the wife of Peter Harling, chairman of Herefordshire Council, has not seen him since the end of the war.

But she remembers Mr Monk as "a nice chap when he was a little boy".

Since then, the friends have stayed in touch by phone and letter but have not actually met up.

The reunion party, on August 7, will take place at the Harlings' home, in Belle Orchard, the very street to which Mr Monk was evacuated to as a youngster, and where Mrs Harling has lived all her life.

Mr Harling is now keeping his fingers crossed for fine weather for the 16 expected guests.

While Mr Monk is back in the UK, Mr Harling hopes to help him trace his ancestors, many of whom hailed from Worcestershire.

Mr Harling, who has never met Mr Monk, now 68, spoke of the way in which the former evacuee has never been forgotten by members of the Ledbury community who knew him over 55 years ago.

"Whenever you mention Tony Monk everyone seems to remember him," said Mr Harling.

"I've talked to him on the phone and he seems to be quite a nice fellow to my way of thinking."