WI -- The past months have provided many enjoyable and entertaining activities for members. These have included a make-up demonstration; success at the Kingsland Show, when the overall trophy was won together with four others for specialist activities, and a talk by Sasha and Alasdair Munn about the crafts of Zimbabwe. At the recent AGM the officers were elected, Pat Smith is president, Esther Simpson is secretary and Margaret Thurston is treasurer. The year ended with a visit from Paul Weir who spoke about the Air Ambulance Service. The committee is to be congratulated on the hard work they have put in to ensure the success that has been achieved.

PLAY AREA PROJECT -- At the recent AGM thanks were expressed to all those who had assisted the group and ensured that the work towards the new play area was progressing so well. Grant applications are presently being considered and various activities are planned for the New Year.

WHITTINGTON TRUST -- This ancient charity continues to offer help to young people who require some assistance with books, technical equipment and tools for their work. Application can be made by parishioners through one of the local trustees. The chairman is Peter Davenport.

CONGRATULATIONS -- Gabriel Hogg and Lotty James raised £421.40 for charities by undertaking a great bike ride. Many thanks to both ladies. Beryl Hoda has gained a First Class Honours degree from University College Worcester in History and a Hallmark Prize for an outstanding dissertation.

COMMUNITY MILLENNIUM FUND --Highlights of the work done last year were the support provided for the Jubilee concert, the Jubilee weekend, the Open Gardens weekend, and the Evening of Music and Laughter. The committee provided a proportion of the total expenses for these four events. Coupled with the generosity of individual donors this meant that the greater part of the income from the events went to parish organisations. Those that benefited during 2002 were the Church, Village Hall, Dovecote, Play Area, Youth Club, Flower Guild, Parish Magazine, WI and Art and Yoga Classes. Sponsorship for three events in 2003 has been agreed. The AGM is on January 27 at 7.30 in the village hall.

ORAL HISTORY GROUP -- A talk will be given at Eardisley on the work of the Eardisland OHG on Monday, January 20 at 7.30pm.

CRICKET CLUB -- The AGM will be held on Tuesday, January 21 at 7.30 in the White Swan.