GROUP PARISH COUNCIL -- It was announced by Mr G Doody at the recent council meeting that the Jubilee plaque was soon to be placed in the Old Pump House. Also at the meeting Mr King was co-opted to fill the vacancy caused by Mr P Williams' resignation. Mr G Preece and Mrs Goodman signed the code of conduct and the members' declaration. After discussion, it was decided that the precept for 2003/2004 should be increased to £4,500. The 50 per cent grant has been received from the countryside agency towards the expenses incurred in preparing the village plan. Mrs D Payne, clerk to the council, announced that the audit has been completed and may be inspected by any local government elector for the parish, at an arranged time and date. County councillor, John Hope, was present at the meeting, and expressed regret, when the unitary development plan was discussed, that there was no reference to the suggestion that Lyonshall should have a by-pass, thus taking heavy traffic away from Eardisley, Lyonshall and Pembridge. It was felt that Eardisley should have a priority for a by-pass, as there is no way in which the existing road can be widened. A strong letter is to be sent to the chief forward planning officer, regarding this matter.