MADAM, The Roman Road improvement scheme will cost millions, but won't take all the traffic away from the cross roads at Stretton Sugwas, and it won't even provide a path from the main housing area to the bus stop!

Traffic travelling west will enjoy the benefits of the lovely new road until they get to the roundabout at Stretton Sugwas.

They will then either divert to the junction at Wyevale - multiplying the problems there, or continue through the village and negotiate the crossroad.

They will still have to use this narrow bottleneck, only now they will be turning right then sharp left. Traffic travelling east will still choose to use this route. Here the A4103 (an A road) is not wide enough to provide a footpath and pedestrians have to negotiate this short but dangerously narrow stretch to get to the bus stop.

Please Herefordshire Council, think again! The link to the west bound A4103 could join back into the old road by the Barnsfield Turn, then only local traffic would want to drive into the village, and no extra traffic would be generated at the Wyevale junction.

The cost probably wouldn't be any more than putting another roundabout to cope with the extra traffic created at Wyevale.


Stretton Sugwas, Hereford.