Madam, Judge Miller of Bullinghope shows how out of touch some members of the legal profession and judiciary can be when it comes to the economic realities of day to day life in Great Britain.

I cannot believe he is expecting Sun Valley to relocate from their existing plant to the former MoD depot at Moreton Park. He obviously does not realise the cost of moving a business not only in new buildings but also plant and machinery.

He must also ignore the fact that the current premises are ideally located for the Sun Valley staff to work, being at the centre of many public transport routes.

Rotherwas Relief Road is essential for those businesses that already occupy the Rotherwas Industrial Estate, who are much restricted by a low bridge at one entrance and a weight restriction on a country road at the other. Both also suffer from flooding.

For those businesses not located on the Rotherwas Estate the road is essential in that it will assist in unclogging the traffic congestion south of the river and thereby promote the free flow of traffic that not only has to use Hereford as a through route for the A49 north to south, but also for local traffic wishing to cross and recross the local area.

One interesting statistic when considering the needs of the local economy is that 19.7% of the workforce is involved in manufacturing while only 5.8% are involved in agriculture.

This shows the importance of the industrial sector to the well being of all in Herefordshire and a good reason for giving it all the support it requires.

Looking at the address of Judge Miller I venture to suggest he is trying to find arguments against the development of the road because of the "not in my back yard" syndrome.

Jon Turner,

Turner & Company, Broad Street, Hereford