A ROMANTIC tale of an Elizabethan Seadog and Privateer who founded a Herefordshire school will soon be in the public domain as students raise cash to publish his story.

Pupils at Lady Hawkins High School in Kington held a special Valentine's day 'Cook for a Book' day when they raised £56 by baking and selling cakes at break-time.

The youngsters formed the Sir John Hawkins Book Club with the help of the Head of History, Nic Dinsdale and history teacher Katy Davies to produce a book on the explorer's life.

Hawkins was the first Englishman to sail into the Spanish Main and was the husband of the school's founder, Lady Margaret Hawkins.

Although the book has been sponsored by the Lady Hawkins' School Foundation Governors, more funds are still needed to have the book published as planned in May 2003.