ABATTOIR owner David Williams is meeting a representative of the Meat Hygiene Service together with Leominster's MP, Bill Wiggin, to help iron out what he calls discrepancies in the inspection of livestock for slaughter at his Weobley premises.

He claims he is having to lay off staff because of high operating costs, partly brought about because of wastage through veterinary inspection problems.

"On a fairly basis, we are having cattle going into the skip because of discrepancies and therefore a lot of good meat is being wasted," he said.

Mr Williams instanced an eight-month old animal that was destined for the skip because it had two teeth, although having a passport to prove its age.

In another case, a Hereford heifer from a local farmer had to be disposed of because the vet had not seen it before it passed through the system, claimed Mr Williams.

"These are my own personal grievances but I and local farmers cannot afford to have problems like this as it is forcing me to lay off people," said Mr Williams.

No spokesman from the Meat Hygiene Service was available for comment.