The National Birds of Prey Centre at Newent has two special Easter chicks to greet the crowds.

Last week, a pair of Asian Wood Owls were hatched at the centre, an event which director Jemima Parry-Jones described as pleasing because, although the species normally lays two eggs, both do not always hatch.

She said: "This species of owl is related to our Tawny Owl, and it is one of the most beautiful owls in the world, with a finely-barred tummy."

Mrs Parry-Jones, who is moving the centre to the USA at the end of this year, said there were not many Asian Wood Owls in captivity in the UK.

Visitors to the National Birds of Prey Centre will be able to enjoy its last season every day of the week, from 10.30am to 5.30pm, until the end of October.