TELEVISION chef Lesley Waters will be rolling up her sleeves at the Three Counties Countryside show at Malvern next month to head a cast of culinary wizards dishing up some top tips.

The Ready Steady Cook personality is already preparing recipe cards using fresh ingredients supplied by exhibitors and she and other local experts will be cooking up a veritable feast. Sharon Gilbert, press officer for the event organisers, the Three Counties Agricultural Society, said: "The cookery theatre is the centre-piece of the regional food and wine pavilion, and a favourite feature for many visitors."

The show is being staged on June 13, 14 and 15, and other main features include livestock competitions, show jumping, a dedicated countryside area with hands-on activities and demonstarations, competitive sheep shearing, a poultry show, bees and honey and a flower section.

The Midshires strongman competition and a Wild West spectacular by Gerard Naprous and his team head up an action-packed programme which will entertain all the family.