THE Hereford Times is staging a team golf tournament this summer in support of the Acorns Children's Hospice Three Counties appeal to raise £4million.

The appeal will provide county life-limited children with a purpose-built hospice for respite, emergency and terminal care. Already half the money has been raised and the Acorns Trust hopes the new hospice will be opened next year.

With this in mind, The Hereford Times is holding a Charity Golf Tournament in aid of the appeal at Kington Golf Club on Friday, August 1.

The competition format is a stableford for teams of four, with the best two scores to count, plus extra prizes for longest drives and nearest the pins etc. It is open to registered handicap players only (max 28 men, 36 ladies) for any combination of four players, men, ladies or mixed.

The entry fee, to include coffee and biscuits on arrival and a two-course buffet meal on completion, is £120 per team, with green fee allowances for Kington members.

The closing date for entries is Friday, July 4, and entry forms are available from Sandy Maxfield, Editor's Secretary, The Hereford Times, Holmer Road, Hereford, HR4 9UJ (phone 01432 845873).

Further information is available from sports editor Jeremy Finney on 01432 845810.