KNIGHTON COMMUNITY CENTRE --Secretary Kevin Kell reported on a full year at Knighton Community Centre's recent annual general meeting. In the course of the year, the centre had been granted charitable status and had made an agreement with Knighton and District Community Support Project to occupy part of the premises. Mr Kell explained that this meant granting a 30-year sublease to the Support Project on the parts of the community centre it would occupy and this was necessary to enable to the Support Project to gain grant funding. "This will meant that the support project will be able to continue its much-appreciated work in the community," said Mr Kell. The secretary also reported that the centre continued to receive a £2,850 annual grant from Powys County Council towards its running costs, but this tied the centre to accept some bookings free of charge. Otherwise the centre had to be completely self funding. "This places two related obligations on the management committee: to maximise our income and to use our charitable asset - the community centre - in the best possible way in the interests of the community. Already we have increased usage of the centre, which means that there may be two or even three major functions on Saturday, our busiest day. We realise that this has caused some inconvenience to long term users of the centre, but we hope you will bear with us and remember that our committee is under a legal obligations to make the best use of the centre." Going on to review functions which the centre had organised the secretary said: "The centre's own fundraising discos, especially the NRG nites, have really taken off this year. This has gained considerable income which has enabled us to purchase new cleaning equipment and begin a programme of re-decoration which will include the dreaded carpet beneath our feet at this very moment. The building is now coming up to 20 years old and has reached the stage where significant sums will have to be spent to keep it up to standard. I realise that not everyone likes discos, but they are a means of generating considerable revenue, and no other activity we have tried comes anywhere near to discos in this respect. There have been some problems with public order, usually after the dances, and a few complaints about the noise. The committee has consulted with Dyfed Powys Constabulary and has enforced stricter rules for the running of all public dances at the centre." Mr Kell also reported on the success of the Welsh Nights on March 1, the most recent of which had been run in conjunction with St Edward's Church. The secretary made special mention of the farmers market at the centre on the fourth Saturday of every month. "This is a successful new venture which has joined the list of our regular hirers," he said. "The problem remains that this building is a community centre," said Mr Kell, in conclusion. "A jack of all trades that can never be the master of any. I finally thank the Rev. Stephen Wood and his son Daniel for generous donation of their artwork 'Eternity'. This will shortly be displayed at the centre." In the elections which followed Eddie Jones was elected chairman, Councillor Trevor Johnson as vice-chairman, and Rachel Vaughan, Gina Lynch, Chris Lloyd and Ken Fincham as members of the committee. Under the terms of the constitution the principal users of the centre have the power to elect representative to the centre and the following have done so: Powys County Council, Councillor Ken Harris; Knighton Town Council, Councillors Trevor Johnson and Sarah Scotford; Knighton/Tref-y-Clawdd YMCA, Laura Higgins; Teme Valley Badminton Club, David Minton; Knighton Show and Carnival Committee, Cllr Christine Branford; and Knighton Festival of Brass Bands, Cllr Ralph Evans. At the committee meeting following the AGM Russell Smith, Ivor Watkins and Lewis Dean were co-opted on to the committee. Laura Higgins was elected treasurer, Gina Lynch as bookings secretary and Ken Fincham as health and safety officer. Kevin Kell was appointed secretary. Chairman Eddie Jones thanked retiring treasurer Roger Cross for his hard work and diligent management of the centre's finances in the two years he had held office.

The disco dance with Lady DJ on the Friday night of the May Fair was a big success, as was the NRG Nite the following Friday. "Both these dances were greatly enjoyed by the large number of young persons attending them," said committee secretary Kevin Kell. "On behalf of the committee I thank the Dyfed Powys Constabulary for their advice and support, with which we have kept problems down to a minimum." Coming dances are on Friday, June 6 with Lady DJ, and on Friday, June 23 with NRG. On Wednesday, June 18 the show and carnival committee has organised a concert with Mary Duff at the community centre. Tickets are available at The Bookshop in Knighton.

MISSING SIGNS -- At the May meeting of Knighton Town Council Deputy Mayor Councillor Jan Harris said that Knighton's street name signs were disappearing regularly. "They go missing every weekend," she said. "They are pulled off and thrown into the river. Our street cleaner Brian Neary has rescued a number of them." "One of them has been missing from The Plough for 18 months." said Councillor Sarah Scotford. "I've reported it to Powys, but they haven't put it back." Councillors agreed to bring the matter to the attention of Powys County Council.

USE OF BROOKSIDE SQUARE -- A request from the local organisers of Traidcraft to have stall on Brookside Square every fortnight met with a mixed response from Knighton Town councillors, many of whom seemed uncertain of what Traidcraft was. "We cannot give an open ended commitment," said Councillor Trevor Johnson. We do not know who else may want to use Brookside Square. They should apply every month."The council agreed to allow Traidcraft, on organisation which promotes third world products without exploitation, to use Brookside Square for a limited period.

DONATION -- Knighton Town Council agreed to make a £25 donation to Childline Cymru/Wales.

WEDNESDAY CLUB -- Mrs M Cox, Mrs M Chapman, Mrs I Leeson and Mrs W Davies were helpers at a recent meeting of Knighton Wednesday Club in the Social Room at St Edward's Close. Winners in the raffle were Miss V Pugh, Mrs M Chapman, Mr D Lewis, Mrs B Kempson, Mrs M Cox, Mrs I Leeson, Mrs B Davies, Mrs G Moss and Mrs V Parker-Smith. Marjorie Cox organised an amusing quiz.

WAR ON RAMPANT VEGETATION -- "When you go up West Street and along Ludlow Road all you see are dandelions and long grass." said Councillor Trevor Johnson at the May meeting of Knighton Town Council. "We should consider concurrent services so that we can do it ourselves. We can decide when the grass is cut." The council agreed to find out the cost of four extra cuts on Knighton's grass verges within the 30mph limits.

THE CHURCH CLOCK -- Powys County Council has written to Knighton Town Council to inform them that they had appointed Mr Hadley to look after the town's clock in succession to George Trillo who has retired after 43 years of service. "Is he winding the church clock as well?" asked Cllr Trevor Johnson. "No," replied town clerk Elizabeth Patterson. "Is the church aware of this?" asked Cllr Johnson in reply. "They must be aware as the church clock isn't going," said Cllr Jan Harris. "Perhaps the parson's wife will wind it," suggested Cllr Bernard Hodnett. Cllr Johnson then suggested that the town council write to the church to point out that the church clock was not going, and this was not good for the image of the town. Vicar's deputy warden, Kevin Kell, told The Hereford Times that the matter was discussed at meeting of Knighton Church Council the day after the town council meeting and tower captain Roger Thomas volunteered to wind the clock with two members to assist when Mr Thomas was unavailable.

PROJECT -- The annual general meeting of Knighton and District Community Support Project will be at the Offa's Dyke centre on June 12 at 7pm.

CAPP MEETING -- There will be a CAPP (Community and Patients Panel) meeting in the Seminar Room, at Knighton Clinic on Wednesday, June 11 at 7pm.

PARISH OF EAST RADNOR -- On Sunday, June 15 (Trinity Sunday) there will be a group Eucharist for the whole of the Parish of East Radnor at Saint Edward's Church at 11am. This service will be the culmination of the Pilgrimage of Song and will include special musical presentations, as well as a baptism.

CONCERT -- Tickets for the concert with Mary Duff at Knighton Community Centre on Wednesday, June 18 are still available from The Bookshop, Broad Street, Knighton. The event starts at 7.30pm and is organised by the Show and Carnival Committee.