VILLAGE HALL -- Almeley Village Hall now has a stage. The four units make a raised area of 16 feet by eight feet when fully deployed. When not in use, the four feet by eight feet sections fold in half and can be wheeled into a corner. The staging can be placed anywhere in the hall using one, two, three or all of the units. Any adult will find them easy to move, assemble and dismantle, and they are very sturdy. Use of this new facility is recommended for plays, musical performances, speakers film or slide shows, bingo callers, quizmasters, fashion shows, in fact anything where a raised platform will be useful. The village hall management committee is indebted and extremely grateful to the under-mentioned funders, each of whom has made a generous grant towards this capital outlay which, in total is equal to two-thirds of the actual cost: £1,000 from the Rural Development Area Small Projects Fund via the Herefordshire Partnership. £1,000 from Herefordshire's Council's Community Buildings Grant Scheme. The hall committee wishes to record its appreciation and thanks to both these organisations.

WHIST DRIVE -- Once again whist players spent an enjoyable evening at the fortnightly whist drive, which was held in the village hall on Tuesday, May 27. Prizes were presented to Mrs M Pritchard, Mrs M Fenton, Mrs J Cadman, Mrs S Payne, Mr I Chant, Mr B Thomas and Mrs M Phillips. The next whist drive will be on Tuesday, June 10, at 7.45pm. Admission is £1.50 and this includes excellent refreshments.

OPEN GARDENS -- The Batch Cottage Gardens which were open to the public on May 18, will be open again on June 8 and July 13. Admission is £2.50 for adults and children are free. It is regretted that no dogs are allowed. Newport House Gardens were also open on May 18, and will be open again on June 29 and August 17. There is access for wheel chairs. Admission is £3 for adults and £1 for children. Ten householders have agreed to take part in the 'Almeley Open Gardens' which will take place on the week-end of June 28-29, from 11am - 5pm. Lunches and teas will be served in the village hall all proceeds are for the Almeley School Fund.