A GROUP of crusaders who fought to save their Herefordshire village pub will be battling to secure its long term future tomorrow.

The Cradley Crown Crusaders will be at Herefordshire Council's Northern Area Planning Committee meeting to voice concerns over new plans for homes and holiday accommodation on the site.

Pub owner David Woodward wants to convert a barn next to the pub for bed and breakfast and self contained holiday lets, build four houses and revamp the parking area.

The Crusaders have sent 101 letters of objection and a report to council planners. They say the new plans do not say when the pub, which has been shut for about 15 years, will be opening.

They also claim insufficient parking, the location of the new houses and a smaller garden will have a 'material affect on the reopening and long-term future of the Crown Inn'.

Planning officers recommend the application for approval. "The proposal is not considered to be detrimental to the barn or the setting of the Crown Inn. The grounds will be reduced but not so significantly as to seriously prejudice the potential re-opening of the pub," they state.