I AM sure by the time this is printed half of Hereford and surrounding areas will be fully aware of the new bus routes and times.

I wonder if anyone like me, as they caught the bus home from work on Thursday , was greeted by a new timetable thrust into their hands.

That was on one bus - on others I had to ask if there was any changes to have yet another timetable thrust at me.

On checking the timetable from Hereford to Rotherwas my initial reaction was 'Great I can actually get to work on time, although I will have to leg it to catch the one home.'

On closer inspection of the Bobblestock new timetable not only was there not a connecting bus but I had a choice of either catching the 7.45am, and waiting for 25 minutes in the station, having had to walk from Broad Street and getting to work 25 minutes before my start time, or catching the 7.23am, which, if on time, gave me one minute to get from Broad Street to the bus station.

Some choice, either I leave home one hour 15 minutes before I start or arrive possibly late and with the need for coronary care after all the early morning jogs, and a change of clothes if it rains.

I know I am not alone in this dilemma. Most people who regularly catch the Rotherwas bus will have to change their hours or make alternative arrangements.

The reason I was given for the change was congestion in the bus station, why then does the evening Bobblestock bus still leave from there even though this is one of the most congested times of the day.

Did I miss a survey of bus commuters, did I complete the form asking how and when I use the service? Of course not, because the people who actually use and depend on the buses are the last to be consulted.

IRATE, Bobblestock.