IT will take at least 20 years to turn Hereford's Edgar Street Grid from a masterplan into a reality - and the process starts now.

A blueprint for the 100-acre site goes out for public consultation this week. At a series of shows across the county, comment will be invited on ideas that include a new civic quarter between Blueschool and Coningsby Streets, a restored canal basin and major cultural, commercial and leisure projects.

The plan has been through several stages - and many debates - since first unveiled as an idea three years ago.

Its latest look - commissioned by Herefordshire Council and Advantage West Midlands - is intended to be as close as possible to a final development brief prior to public consultation.

Edgar Street Grid 'A Twenty Year Vision' goes on show in the Atrium at Maylord Orchards, Hereford from Monday until Friday, November 28.

It is at 61 Bridge Street, Kington on December 1, Info in Herefordshire, Corn Square, Leominster, on December 2, Bromyard Leisure Centre on December 3, Info in Herefordshire, Edde Cross Street, Ross on Wye on December 4 and Info in Herefordshire, St Katherine's, Ledbury on December 5.

Councillor George Hyde, cabinet member for economic development, markets and property, said what was envisaged for the grid would make a 'real difference' to the future of both city and county.

"I would urge people to take part in the consultation and let the council have views and comments," he said.

A Widemarsh Street - To be improved with provision for long-term mixed use development.

B Football Stadium - The existing football stadium to be rebuilt and redesigned onsite. Improved links between the Courtyard and the city centre with improved linkage to Edgar Street and parking provision.

C Cultural, Commercial and Leisure Development - Development to complement the football stadium and provide activity along the link route from the theatre to the city centre.

D Cattlemarket Retail and Mixed Use Development - The site to be redeveloped to enhance existing city centre uses. A new pedestrian route linking the theatre area with the city centre.

E. Inner Ring Road Improvement - Inner Ring Road to be substantially improved to create a new 'linear' park and unite the Study Area with the city centre.

F. New Civic Quarter - A new civic quarter to be created between Blueschool Street and Coningsby Street. Intimate squares and courtyards to provide opportunities for street activities.

G. Historic Heart - The Coningsby Hospital and Blackfriar Gardens to provide an attractive destination at the heart of the site.

H. Station Approach - The existing station forecourt is to be substantially improved with better provision made for pedestrians and cyclists.

I. The Canal and Canal Basin - A new canal link and canal basin is to provide a major new destination in the northern half of the site. Mixed-use development with hotel and leisure provision and residential use will enhance activity throughout night and day.

J. A New Link Road - A new link road is to be provided to relieve traffic from the inner road and to provide improved access to areas in the northern area of Edgar Street and the Study Area.