I WRITE further to the article (Hereford Times, November 13): ''Care homes deal hits snag over pay".

RAGE Herefordshire have, ever since Herefordshire Council's original proposals for the future development of care services for the elderly saw the light of day in February 2001, argued the private sector would only be able to take over the homes by dividing the workforce in terms of pay and conditions.

Our warnings, which were rubbished by some councillors must now be seen to be accurate.

Councillor Chris Chappell quite properly warns of a divided workforce. Councillor Olwyn Barnett maintains the authority is doing its "level best" to ensure equal terms and conditions. I am sure she will be pleased to know that something can be done.

The council can write into its contract with Shaw Homes the provisions of the Best Value code of practice on work force matters which came into operation in March 2003. In essence there is provision for pay and pension parity between present and future staff.

I do hope our councillors, and your readers watched Panorama, on Sunday, entitled A Carer's Story.

If any message comes out loud and clear from this programme it is - keep the care of the elderly under public control and out of the hands of the private sector.

Steve Grist,

Chair, RAGE Herefordshire,

Upper Lodge, Monnington on Wye.