A HALL full of eager bargain hunters bid at an auction of promises held in aid of Cradley's new school on Friday.

Under the hammer of Mike Vockins, the school's fundraising committee chairman, more than £3,900 was raised for the building.

Organiser Sue Smith said this was a fantastic amount.

"It's all due to the generous people who gave the things on sale," she said.

Hugh Wagstaffe, chairman of the school's board of governors, spent £100 on the chance to ring the school bell for the final time on the pupils' last day at the present site. He said: "I thought it was great fun and was very happy to bid for it."

Cradley resident Sue Ronan made a winning bid of £70 for a limousine trip, courtesy of Powick company Alpha Limousines.

She said her two girls, Jessica, 13, and Shelagh, 12, were excited about the trip and would probably use it as a birthday treat.

"I was delighted to bid for it. It was really a nice evening with a great atmosphere," she said.

Other top bidders on the night were former Cradley postmaster Peter Baker, who bought a garden seat donated by the Ridgeway Joinery for just under £300, and Denise Hinds, who spent £175 on a day ticket, with hospitality, for the England versus West Indies test match at Edgbaston in July.