UNDER the provision of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 all the premises to which the public have access, offices, council buildings, banks, shops, hotels, restaurants, places of entertainment, tourist attractions, churches are required to be made accessible to everybody, including disabled people.

The Act which has been law since 1996 has been implemented to a timetable and the premises mentioned above have had eight years to ensure they comply.

However, many firms, employers and providers have put off doing anything, according to the Hereford Access for All Committee, which has campaigned on behalf of disabled and disadvantaged people.

President Jim Lawes has written to organisations about their obligations and reminding them that the deadline for making necessary improvements is October 2004.

He said: ''Listed buildings are not exempt from the Act. If it is impossible, due to their construction, to make structural changes to premises, then those responsible for access to and within buildings are required to make 'reasonable' alternative arrangements.''

He added: ''October may seem a long way off but having an audit of the premises and arranging for any corrective work to be done, does not leave time for complacency. We trust that our reminders will assist people to look at their premises and prepare.''

More information can be obtained by writing to Jim Lawes, President, Hereford Access for All, 43 Park Street, Hereford, or telephone 01432-350765