A NEW housing development will be built in Bromyard town centre without off-street parking.

Rocrest Limited has been given the go-ahead for three one-bedroom cottages and two, two-bedroom flats at the junction of Pump Street and Little Hereford Street.

It will also be allowed to demolish the walls around the site.

Former Herefordshire councillor and Pump Street resident Chris Grover objected to the plans.

He said: "I believe they shouldn't be allowed to build these flats without adequate parking. Although I have an off-street space, all the other houses rely on on-street parking, which is at a premium during the day."

Mr Grover also felt the development was unsuitable for the conservation area. He said it would spoil the open space and the view of his Grade II listed building from the surrounding streets.

Bromyard Town Council objected to the plans because of the lack of parking provision, overdevelopment and poor access for emergency services.

Planning consent was granted by Herefordshire Council's northern area planning committee on Wednesday. Councillors discussed the issue of parking but were told that lack of off-street parking was not a reason to refuse permission.

The application first went to committee in March, councillors visited the site but deferred a decision for officers to consult with the applicant and amend the plans.

Peter Goodson, of Rocrest Limited, said extensive consultation had taken place with officers and the committee.

He said the homes, starting at £125,000, would complete the street scene in Pump Street.

"There's a public car park within 50ft of the development which residents can use. Parking isn't an issue," he said.

Plans to covert the old Methodist Chapel, in Pump Street, were also approved, subject to the applicants devising a suitable off-road parking scheme with officers and local members.