I DO not stand in judgement of either the mother in the 'cleft palate' abortion case, or Mr Cohn.

We do not know all the facts and therefore cannot judge. We assume the reason for the termination was for a cleft lip and palate. We do not know what information was given to the lady, although I do hope she was given details of CLAPA (Cleft Lip and Palate Association) and a chance to talk to the cleft team.

I do know that to make such a decision must have required a lot of thought and consideration for both mother, her family and medical staff concerned.

I'm a mum to a baby with a bilateral cleft lip and palate - his father was also born with a cleft lip and palate. It didn't stop him from becoming an independent, articulate professional person, and it won't stop my son either.

I found out Jonathan was going to have a cleft at my 20 week scan and it was suggested by the hospital foetal medicine unit there may be other associated syndromes, and we could terminate if we liked.

At no point was positive information given or how to contact CLAPA or other parents of children born with clefts.

I went home in tears not really knowing what to expect - I know David was born with the same, but I didn't know what it was like to go through surgery with a baby, or what the outcome would be.

I got straight on to the internet and found lots of information - some disturbing and not backed by medical sources but I was able to weed out the good from the bad, and through the CLAPA website, I was sent a folder full of information - information I believe should be available immediately to anyone who is told their baby will be born with a cleft lip and/or palate.

I also visited the link to the CLAPA Parents group which was fantastic and spoke to people going through the same as me. It really changed things for me to be able to hear all the positive stories.

The real turning point was when I met Claire with her daughter Jasmine the week before her first surgery. It really helped to see this gorgeous smiling little baby - she was so happy.

We met again just a week after and it was amazing to see her so bouncy and happy in such a short time and the result was fantastic.

My own son Jonathan has had three operations now and none has stopped him from being a typical baby all the way through.

Going back to the letter from 'concerned mum' - this week (May 24 - 31) is CLAPA awareness week. Visit the website www.clapa.com for information.

Anyone affected who would like to contact me, please do so by email shirleyann120@hotmail.com

I am already in contact with four sets of parents in the Herefordshire area, and am also acting Chair for the Bristol and West branch of CLAPA.

If, after all the information has been given to the parent, they still choose termination, then that is their right.

Informed choice rather than negative influences from the medical profession should lead the parents through this difficult time.

Shirley-Anne Kirby,

Court Barn Farmhouse, Winforton.